

This document contains the specifications of ObeConnect. ObeConnect is a webservice that allows partners to manage the inventory of any hotel using the ObeHotel booking engine.

Intro Schema

We have developed the most frequently used services. We recommend the integration of all requests for have a dynamic and strong integration. For the purpose of this document, the requests are the follow.

As can be seen in the diagram above, between the partner and the server there is a flow of data. This process of interaction consists of the Partner making a call (request) to the ObeConnect service. At the precise moment that the server receives the call, it consults the type of XML request to be dealt with. Following on from this, and according to the type of request, ObeConnect obtains the corresponding data from our database and generates a reply (response). This reply is returned in XML to the Partner. Finally, the Partner analyses the XML reply and obtains the data they require.

This type of integration is Push. In order to generate and process XML, the support of a dynamic programming language is necessary.

Acces specifications

The services for the Partner are housed in one of the servers belonging to ObeHotel system. In order to be able to access the XML interface, an identifier is needed (Partner - UserId). The identifier is provided to Partner by our technical department and is exclusive to the designated user and is non-transferable.

There are various ways of making calls (requests) to the server. ObeHotel has opted for the POST method. This request must contain the XML coding directly in a body section.

For the first part of the integration, the requests should be made in the development server. In this server, it is possible to make all kinds of requests. The URL for the XML services via the development server is:

Development Server = https://x.x.x.x/obeconnect/? (this url will be provided by your technical contact)

Once the Partner has completed the integration and all is working correctly, Efimatica S.L will activate the account in the production server. As soon as the account has been activated, all requests made by the Partner will be in a real environment and in real time. The URL for productions services is:

Production Server = https://x.x.x.x/obeconnect/? (this url will be provided by your technical contact)

Note that the connection will be under SSL encryption.

Product list

The product list request was designed for any partner to needs to connect to ObeHotel to read/retrieve the current product configuration (rooms and rates plans defined), as well as the current rates and availability loaded in the system.

Make sure to include type=”text/xml” in your http header.

OTA Product list


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OTA_ProductList Language="en">
 <Partner UserId="xxx" HotelCode="xxx" HotelPassword="xxx" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OTA_ProductList TimeStamp="2017-03-27 12:10:10" Target="Development">
    <Roomtype Code="2" RoomsToSellSource="0" Name="Double/Twin Room With Balcony/Terrace" Adult="2" Children="0" Baby="1">
        <Rateplan Code ="STRO" Name="Rate Room Only" NonRefundable="0" AutoPrice="0" FixedRelease="0" FixedMinlos="0" FixedMaxlos="0" />
        <Rateplan Code ="STBB" Name="Rate Bed and Breakfast" NonRefundable="0" AutoPrice="0" FixedRelease="0" FixedMinlos="0" FixedMaxlos="0" />
        <Rateplan Code ="STHB" Name="Rate Half Board" NonRefundable="0" AutoPrice="0" FixedRelease="0" FixedMinlos="0" FixedMaxlos="0" />
        <Rateplan Code ="STFB" Name="Rate Full Board" NonRefundable="0" AutoPrice="0" FixedRelease="0" FixedMinlos="0" FixedMaxlos="0" />
        <Rateplan Code ="STAI" Name="Rate All inclusive" NonRefundable="0" AutoPrice="0" FixedRelease="0" FixedMinlos="0" FixedMaxlos="0" />
        <Rateplan Code ="SSRO" Name="Short Stay Room Only" NonRefundable="1" AutoPrice="12" FixedRelease="0" FixedMinlos="1" FixedMaxlos="2" />
        <Rateplan Code ="SSBB" Name="Short Stay Bed and Breakfast" NonRefundable="1" AutoPrice="12" FixedRelease="0" FixedMinlos="1" FixedMaxlos="2" />
        <Rateplan Code ="SSHB" Name="Short Stay Half Board" NonRefundable="1" AutoPrice="12" FixedRelease="0" FixedMinlos="1" FixedMaxlos="2" />
        <Rateplan Code ="SSFB" Name="Short Stay Full Board" NonRefundable="1" AutoPrice="12" FixedRelease="0" FixedMinlos="1" FixedMaxlos="2" />
    <Roomtype Code ="3" RoomsToSellSource="2" Name="Double/Twin Room With Balcony/Terrace  (2 adults + 1 child)" Adult="2" Children="1" Baby="1">
        <Rateplan Code ="NRRO" Name="Non Refundable Room Only" NonRefundable="1" AutoPrice="-10" FixedRelease="2" FixedMinlos="0" FixedMaxlos="0" />
        <Rateplan Code ="NRBB" Name="Non Refundable Bed and Breakfast" NonRefundable="1" AutoPrice="-10" FixedRelease="2" FixedMinlos="0" FixedMaxlos="0" />
        <Rateplan Code ="NRHB" Name="Non Refundable Half Board" NonRefundable="1" AutoPrice="-10" FixedRelease="2" FixedMinlos="0" FixedMaxlos="0" />
        <Rateplan Code ="NRFB" Name="Non Refundable Full Board" NonRefundable="1" AutoPrice="-10" FixedRelease="2" FixedMinlos="0" FixedMaxlos="0" />
        <Rateplan Code ="NRAI" Name="Non Refundable All inclusive" NonRefundable="1" AutoPrice="-10" FixedRelease="2" FixedMinlos="0" FixedMaxlos="0" />
    <Roomtype Code ="5" RoomsToSellSource="2" Name="Double/Twin Room With Balcony/Terrace (3 adults)" Adult="3" Children="0" Baby="1">
        <Rateplan Code ="STRO" Name="Rate Room Only" NonRefundable="0" AutoPrice="0" FixedRelease="0" FixedMinlos="0" FixedMaxlos="0" />
        <Rateplan Code ="STBB" Name="Rate Bed and Breakfast" NonRefundable="0" AutoPrice="0" FixedRelease="0" FixedMinlos="0" FixedMaxlos="0" />
        <Rateplan Code ="STHB" Name="Rate Half Board" NonRefundable="0" AutoPrice="0" FixedRelease="0" FixedMinlos="0" FixedMaxlos="0" />
        <Rateplan Code ="STFB" Name="Rate Full Board" NonRefundable="0" AutoPrice="0" FixedRelease="0" FixedMinlos="0" FixedMaxlos="0" />
        <Rateplan Code ="STAI" Name="Rate All inclusive" NonRefundable="0" AutoPrice="0" FixedRelease="0" FixedMinlos="0" FixedMaxlos="0" />

Request elements

Response elements


OTA Inventory Update

The update inventory request allows partners to send ObeHotel updates on availability and rates for up to 2 years ahead. Below you will find sample request/response messages for availability and rate update.

Be sure to always include type=”text/xml” in your http header.

Request - Update availability.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <Partner UserId="xxx" HotelCode="x" HotelPassword="xxx" />
   <Roomtype Code="2">
      <Date Value="2020-07-01" RoomsToSell="13"></Date>
      <Date Value="2020-07-02" RoomsToSell="22"></Date>
      <Date Value="2020-07-06" RoomsToSell="11"></Date>

Request - Update prices.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <Partner UserId="xxx" HotelCode="x" HotelPassword="xxx" />
   <Roomtype Code="2">
      <Date Value="2017-09-17">
         <Rateplan Code="STRO" Price1="122.30"/>

Request - Update multiple rateplans.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <Partner UserId="xxx" HotelCode="x" HotelPassword="xxx" />
   <Roomtype Code="2">
      <Date Value="2017-09-17">
         <Rateplan Code="STRO" Price1="122.30"/>
           <Rateplan Code="STAI" Price1="150.00"/>

Request - Close sales.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <Partner UserId="xxx" HotelCode="x" HotelPassword="xxx" />
   <Roomtype Code="2">
      <Date Value="2017-09-17">
         <Rateplan Code="STRO" ClosedPrice1="1" />

Request - Update some restrictions.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <Partner UserId="xxx" HotelCode="x" HotelPassword="xxx" />
   <Roomtype Code="2">
      <Date Value="2017-09-17">
         <Rateplan Code="STRO" Minlos="3" Cta="1" Ctd="0" />

Request - Full example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <Partner UserId="xxx" HotelCode="x" HotelPassword="xxx" />
   <Roomtype Code="4635">
      <Date Value="2017-09-17" RoomsToSell="15" >
         <Rateplan Code="STRO" Price1="80.00" ClosedPrice1="0" Release="15" Minlos="2" Maxlos="15" Cta="0" Ctd="0" SupplementAdult1="30.00" SupplementTypeAdult1="EUR" SupplementAdult2="35.99" SupplementTypeAdult2="EUR" SupplementChildren1="10.00" SupplementTypeChildren1="EUR" />
         <Rateplan Code="STAI" Price1="90.00" ClosedPrice1="0" Release="15" Minlos="2" Maxlos="15" Cta="0" Ctd="0" SupplementAdult1="30.00" SupplementTypeAdult1="EUR" SupplementAdult2="35.99" SupplementTypeAdult2="EUR" SupplementChildren1="10.00" SupplementTypeChildren1="EUR" />
       <Date Value="2017-09-18" RoomsToSell="10" >
         <Rateplan Code="STRO" Price1="85.00" ClosedPrice1="1" />
         <Rateplan Code="STAI" Price1="95.00" ClosedPrice1="1" />
   <Roomtype Code="4212">
      <Date Value="2017-09-17" RoomsToSell="3" >
         <Rateplan Code="STRO" Price1="80.00" DiscountIndividualUse="10" DiscountTypeIndividualUse="percent" />
         <Rateplan Code="STAI" Price1="90.00" DiscountIndividualUse="15" DiscountTypeIndividualUse="percent" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OTA_InventoryUpdate TimeStamp="2017-03-21 17:11:37" Target="Development">
    <Success />

Request elements

Response elements

OTA Inventory View

The view inventory request allows partners get the inventory data from ObeHotel. Below you will find sample request/response messages for availability and rate update.

Be sure to always include type=”text/xml” in your http header.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <Partner UserId="xxx" HotelCode="xxx" HotelPassword="xxx" />
   <Date Start="2020-12-01" End="2020-12-02"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OTA_InventoryView TimeStamp="2020-11-03 15:37:18" Target="Development">
    <Roomtype Code="3986">
        <Date Value="2020-12-01" RoomsToSell="2" >
            <Rateplan Code="NRAI" Price1="107.00" ClosedPrice1="0" Release="0" Minlos="0" Maxlos="0" Cta="0" Ctd="0" SupplementAdult1="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult1="EUR" SupplementAdult2="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult2="EUR" SupplementAdult3="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult3="EUR" SupplementAdult4="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult4="EUR" SupplementChildren1="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren1="EUR" SupplementChildren2="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren2="EUR" SupplementChildren3="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren3="EUR" SupplementChildren4="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren4="EUR" DiscountIndividualUse="0.00" DiscountTypeIndividualUse="EUR" />
            <Rateplan Code="NRRO" Price1="107.00" ClosedPrice1="0" Release="0" Minlos="0" Maxlos="0" Cta="0" Ctd="0" SupplementAdult1="50.00" SupplementTypeAdult1="EUR" SupplementAdult2="55.00" SupplementTypeAdult2="EUR" SupplementAdult3="60.00" SupplementTypeAdult3="EUR" SupplementAdult4="65.00" SupplementTypeAdult4="EUR" SupplementChildren1="30.00" SupplementTypeChildren1="EUR" SupplementChildren2="35.00" SupplementTypeChildren2="EUR" SupplementChildren3="40.00" SupplementTypeChildren3="EUR" SupplementChildren4="45.00" SupplementTypeChildren4="EUR" DiscountIndividualUse="10.00" DiscountTypeIndividualUse="percent" />
        <Date Value="2020-12-02" RoomsToSell="50" >
            <Rateplan Code="NRAI" Price1="107.00" ClosedPrice1="0" Release="0" Minlos="0" Maxlos="0" Cta="0" Ctd="0" SupplementAdult1="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult1="EUR" SupplementAdult2="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult2="EUR" SupplementAdult3="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult3="EUR" SupplementAdult4="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult4="EUR" SupplementChildren1="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren1="EUR" SupplementChildren2="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren2="EUR" SupplementChildren3="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren3="EUR" SupplementChildren4="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren4="EUR" DiscountIndividualUse="0.00" DiscountTypeIndividualUse="EUR" />
            <Rateplan Code="NRRO" Price1="107.00" ClosedPrice1="0" Release="0" Minlos="0" Maxlos="0" Cta="0" Ctd="0" SupplementAdult1="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult1="EUR" SupplementAdult2="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult2="EUR" SupplementAdult3="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult3="EUR" SupplementAdult4="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult4="EUR" SupplementChildren1="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren1="EUR" SupplementChildren2="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren2="EUR" SupplementChildren3="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren3="EUR" SupplementChildren4="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren4="EUR" DiscountIndividualUse="0.00" DiscountTypeIndividualUse="EUR" />
            <Rateplan Code="STAI" Price1="275.00" ClosedPrice1="0" Release="0" Minlos="1" Maxlos="0" Cta="0" Ctd="0" SupplementAdult1="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult1="EUR" SupplementAdult2="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult2="EUR" SupplementAdult3="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult3="EUR" SupplementAdult4="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult4="EUR" SupplementChildren1="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren1="EUR" SupplementChildren2="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren2="EUR" SupplementChildren3="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren3="EUR" SupplementChildren4="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren4="EUR" DiscountIndividualUse="0.00" DiscountTypeIndividualUse="EUR" />
            <Rateplan Code="STRO" Price1="100.00" ClosedPrice1="0" Release="0" Minlos="1" Maxlos="0" Cta="0" Ctd="0" SupplementAdult1="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult1="EUR" SupplementAdult2="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult2="EUR" SupplementAdult3="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult3="EUR" SupplementAdult4="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult4="EUR" SupplementChildren1="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren1="EUR" SupplementChildren2="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren2="EUR" SupplementChildren3="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren3="EUR" SupplementChildren4="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren4="EUR" DiscountIndividualUse="0.00" DiscountTypeIndividualUse="EUR" />
    <Roomtype Code="4091">
        <Date Value="2020-12-01" RoomsToSell="50" >
            <Rateplan Code="NRAI" Price1="157.00" ClosedPrice1="0" Release="0" Minlos="0" Maxlos="0" Cta="0" Ctd="0" SupplementAdult1="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult1="EUR" SupplementAdult2="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult2="EUR" SupplementAdult3="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult3="EUR" SupplementAdult4="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult4="EUR" SupplementChildren1="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren1="EUR" SupplementChildren2="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren2="EUR" SupplementChildren3="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren3="EUR" SupplementChildren4="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren4="EUR" DiscountIndividualUse="0.00" DiscountTypeIndividualUse="EUR" />
            <Rateplan Code="NRRO" Price1="157.00" ClosedPrice1="0" Release="0" Minlos="0" Maxlos="0" Cta="0" Ctd="0" SupplementAdult1="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult1="EUR" SupplementAdult2="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult2="EUR" SupplementAdult3="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult3="EUR" SupplementAdult4="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult4="EUR" SupplementChildren1="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren1="EUR" SupplementChildren2="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren2="EUR" SupplementChildren3="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren3="EUR" SupplementChildren4="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren4="EUR" DiscountIndividualUse="0.00" DiscountTypeIndividualUse="EUR" />
            <Rateplan Code="STAI" Price1="153.00" ClosedPrice1="0" Release="0" Minlos="0" Maxlos="0" Cta="0" Ctd="0" SupplementAdult1="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult1="EUR" SupplementAdult2="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult2="EUR" SupplementAdult3="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult3="EUR" SupplementAdult4="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult4="EUR" SupplementChildren1="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren1="EUR" SupplementChildren2="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren2="EUR" SupplementChildren3="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren3="EUR" SupplementChildren4="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren4="EUR" DiscountIndividualUse="0.00" DiscountTypeIndividualUse="EUR" />
        <Date Value="2020-12-02" RoomsToSell="50" >
            <Rateplan Code="NRAI" Price1="107.00" ClosedPrice1="0" Release="0" Minlos="0" Maxlos="0" Cta="0" Ctd="0" SupplementAdult1="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult1="EUR" SupplementAdult2="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult2="EUR" SupplementAdult3="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult3="EUR" SupplementAdult4="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult4="EUR" SupplementChildren1="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren1="EUR" SupplementChildren2="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren2="EUR" SupplementChildren3="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren3="EUR" SupplementChildren4="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren4="EUR" DiscountIndividualUse="0.00" DiscountTypeIndividualUse="EUR" />
            <Rateplan Code="NRRO" Price1="199.00" ClosedPrice1="0" Release="0" Minlos="0" Maxlos="0" Cta="0" Ctd="0" SupplementAdult1="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult1="EUR" SupplementAdult2="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult2="EUR" SupplementAdult3="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult3="EUR" SupplementAdult4="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult4="EUR" SupplementChildren1="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren1="EUR" SupplementChildren2="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren2="EUR" SupplementChildren3="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren3="EUR" SupplementChildren4="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren4="EUR" DiscountIndividualUse="0.00" DiscountTypeIndividualUse="EUR" />
            <Rateplan Code="STAI" Price1="299.00" ClosedPrice1="0" Release="0" Minlos="1" Maxlos="0" Cta="0" Ctd="0" SupplementAdult1="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult1="EUR" SupplementAdult2="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult2="EUR" SupplementAdult3="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult3="EUR" SupplementAdult4="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult4="EUR" SupplementChildren1="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren1="EUR" SupplementChildren2="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren2="EUR" SupplementChildren3="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren3="EUR" SupplementChildren4="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren4="EUR" DiscountIndividualUse="0.00" DiscountTypeIndividualUse="EUR" />
            <Rateplan Code="STRO" Price1="199.00" ClosedPrice1="0" Release="0" Minlos="1" Maxlos="0" Cta="0" Ctd="0" SupplementAdult1="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult1="EUR" SupplementAdult2="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult2="EUR" SupplementAdult3="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult3="EUR" SupplementAdult4="0.00" SupplementTypeAdult4="EUR" SupplementChildren1="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren1="EUR" SupplementChildren2="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren2="EUR" SupplementChildren3="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren3="EUR" SupplementChildren4="0.00" SupplementTypeChildren4="EUR" DiscountIndividualUse="0.00" DiscountTypeIndividualUse="EUR" />

Request elements

Response elements

Reservations List

The reservations list is a simple interface that allow partners to electronically retrieve bookings made on ObeHotel engine or via agencies connected with ObeHotel Channel Manager. You can retrieve the reservations using three attributes:

Make sure to include type=”text/xml” in your http header.

OTA Reservation list

Request UniqueID

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OTA_ReservationsList Language="en">
    <Partner UserId="xxx" HotelCode="xxx" HotelPassword="xxx" />
    <UniqueId Value="12345"/>

Request UniqueIDExternal

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OTA_ReservationsList Language="en">
    <Partner UserId="xxx" HotelCode="xxx" HotelPassword="xxx" />
    <UniqueIdExternal Value="12345"/>

Request Dates Range

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OTA_ReservationsList Language="en">
    <Partner UserId="xxx" HotelCode="xxx" HotelPassword="xxx" />
    <Date Start="2017-01-20" End="2017-01-25" ForceDownload="0"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OTA_ReservationsList TimeStamp="2017-03-27 18:38:53" Target="Development">
    <UniqueId Value="3590183967" />
    <UniqueIdExternal Value="15034498" />
    <Supplier Name="VIAJES EUROMAR" />
    <Client Name="JAVIER" Surname="COBOS" Phone="972 411 600" Email="" Address="Margarita Ferraris 24" City="Torino" CountryCode="IT"/>
    <Roomstay Code="385052">
        <Hotel Code="6" Name="MedPlaya Hotel Calypso" Category="3">
            <Location Address="Pompeu Fabra, 54-62" PostalCode="43840" City="Salou" Province="Tarragona" Country="Spain" GpsLatitude="41.071644417044" GpsLongitude="1.154460310936" />
            <Contact Telephone="+34 977 384 900" Fax="+34 977 383 513" Email="" />
        <RoomType Code="3" NonRefundable="0" Name="Double/Twin Room With Balcony/Terrace (2 adults + 1 child)" />
        <RatePlan Code="STFB" Name="Rate Full Board" />
        <Status Code="1" ConfirmBook="2017-02-12 20:06:53" ModifyBook="none" CancelBook="none" />
        <Guest AdultsCount="2" ChildsCount="1" BabiesCount="0" />
        <StayDate Start="2017-02-19" End="2017-02-22">
             <Date Value="2017-02-19" Amount="75.75" AmountBeforeSpecial="75.75" AmountCommission="13.63" />
             <Date Value="2017-02-20" Amount="75.75" AmountBeforeSpecial="75.75" AmountCommission="13.63">
                <Offer Code="2090" Name="Escapada Relax"/>
             <Date Value="2017-02-21" Amount="75.75" AmountBeforeSpecial="75.75" AmountCommission="13.63" />
        <RoomRate Amount="227.25" AmountBeforeSpecial="227.25" CurrencyCode="EUR" PercentagePaid="0.00" />
        <Comment><![CDATA[We arrive at 15.00]]></Comment>
            <Description><![CDATA[Descriptive policy conditions]]></Description>
                <Penalty Item="1" Percent="50" DaysToCheckin="2" />
                <Penalty Item="3" Percent="0" DaysToCheckin="2" />
<TotalReservation Amount="227.25" CurrencyCode="EUR" PriceType="cm" Commission="18.00" />

Request elements

Response elements

Reservations Notifications

Booking notifications is a simple interface that allows add the PMS booking identifier to a booking.

Make sure to include type=”text/xml” in your http header.

OTA Reservations notificacions


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OTA_ReservationsNotif Language="en">
<Partner UserId="xxx" HotelCode="xxx" HotelPassword="xxx" />
<UniqueId Value="12136062138"/>
<PmsUniqueId Value="12345"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OTA_ReservationsNotif TimeStamp="2020-02-28 12:23:29" Target="Development">
<Success />

Request elements

Response elements

Reservations update payment

The reservations update payment is a simple interface that allow partners to electronically update payment for a reservation using three attributes:

Make sure to include type=”text/xml” in your http header.

OTA Reservations update payment


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <Partner UserId="xxx" HotelCode="xxx" HotelPassword="xxx" />
  <Reservation PmsId="123456" AmountPaid="xxx" Currency="xxx" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OTA_ReservationsUpdatePayment TimeStamp="2022-11-14 13:16:46" Target="Development">
  <Success />

Request elements

Response elements

Agency list

Use the agency list request to retrieve a list of all agencies integrated with Obehotel, with name and code.

Make sure to include type=”text/xml” in your http header.

OTA Agency list


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OTA_AgencyList Language="en">
    <Partner UserId="xxx" HotelCode="xxx" HotelPassword="xxx" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OTA_AgencyList TimeStamp="2019-03-08 12:10:10" Target="Development">
    <Agency Code="37" Name="EXPEDIA" />
    <Agency Code="38" Name="BOOKING" />

Request elements

Response elements

Country list

Use the country list request to retrieve a list of all countries integrated with Obehotel, with name and code.

Make sure to include type=”text/xml” in your http header.

OTA Country list


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OTA_CountryList Language="en">
    <Partner UserId="xxx" HotelCode="xxx" HotelPassword="xxx" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OTA_CountryList TimeStamp="2019-03-08 12:10:10" Target="Development">
    <Country Code="AF" Name="Afghanistan" />
    <Country Code="AL" Name="Albania" />

Request elements

Response elements

Error messages

Once XML request transaction has successfully been transmitted to ObeConnect system, it can either receive a positive or negative acknowledgment. When errors are returned in responses, the updates contained after wrong value never were processed. We recommend that action is taken to fix the wrong value and to resend the complete XML again.

Several different types of errors may occur, and the negative acknowledgment of a transaction that failed can contain one or more of those error codes. In all errors messages, there are a description of the error. This is an example of error message and his structure.

Error message


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Error>[2017-09-17,2,LSAI] This rateplan has fixed release MaxLOS to 21; </Error>

In the case of availability and rates updates, the description of the error contains a brackets [] with day, room type and rate plan of element that is worng.

These are the difents types of errors that the partner could recived

Error not defined
The parameter XML for POST doesn't exist
XML has worng structure
The access credentials are wrong
The XML has wrong fields
XML attribute not found:
The availability range allowed is
The closed value should be a 0 or 1
This roomtype use the availability of other roomtype (shared availability)
This roomtype doesn't exist in ObeHotel
The date is before today
This hotel doesn't enable this rateplan
The price range allowed is
The release range allowed is
The MinLOS range allowed is
The MaxLOS range allowed is
The CTA value should be a 0 or 1
The CTD value should be a 0 or 1
This rateplan has auto price enabled to
This rateplan has fixed release enabled to
This rateplan has fixed release MinLOS to
This rateplan has fixed release MaxLOS to
The MinLOS is greater o equal to MaxLOS
The day format isn't right (YYYY-MM-DD)

Guide lines

ObeConnect is a plataform that has complex algoritms and process. Is very important that the partner developes the intregration with ObeConnect taking into consideration these points:

Release notes

2017-03-23 | Version 1.0.0

2017-04-23 | Version 1.0.1

2017-06-15 | Version 1.0.2

2019-03-13 | Version 1.1.0

2020-02-25 | Version 1.2.0

2020-03-04 | Version 1.3.0

2020-03-10 | Version 1.3.1

2020-04-13 | Version 1.3.2

2020-06-22 | Version 2.0

2020-11-03 | Version 2.1

2021-03-24 | Version 2.2

Contact details

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any query or question you may have.

IT Department - Integrations XML.

Tel. +34 972 411 600

Monday to Thursday

9.00 - 14.00 and 15.00 - 18.00


8.00 to 15:00
